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Common Starling

Scientific Name: Sturnus Vulgaris
Maltese Name: Sturnell
Family: Starlings (Sturnidae)
Occurence: Common
Breeds in Malta: Yes, Rare and Localised Breeder

The Starling is a very common bird of open areas. It is thrush size with a black body and pointed head. It has triangular wings which is a key identification feature especially in flight. It has a lot of white spots. Its beak is yellow in the breeding period while dark in Winter. The Starling is a very sociable bird and spends most of the time with other Starlings foraging for food. Its flight is typically fast with short glides and rapid wing beats. Starlings form large flocks in winter reaching several thousands in the evening to roost in high trees in urban towns. They search the ground for any insects, fruits, seeds and grain to eat. Starlings build their nest in holes in buildings or trees. It is made of straw, grasses, feathers and roots. Starlings have a very particular way of how to defend themselves from their predators like falcons and harriers. They form a large flock tightly packed and mob their enemy scaring it off. Starling flocks in flight are fantastic to watch as they are examples of fast control and skilful coordination. Unfortunately the birds are declining in Europe for rather unknown reasons.

The Common Starling is a very common Autumn migrant and Winter visitor seen in very large numbers. It is a very rare breeder in the Maltese islands for reasons that are not wholly apparent as it is a very adaptable breeding species but is legally hunted a lot in Autumn and Winter. There is a very small population on Comino and they possibly breed only in up to 2 other locations in Malta.

When to See:
Starlings start to arrive from late September-October and remain with us until early Spring. A very few remain to breed during Summer. Some birds which are unable to migrate becaues of gunshot injuries spend the summer in Malta but do not breed.

Where to See:
May be seen flying over in large flocks from anywhere, both in winter and in migration periods. Large numbers roost on comino in winter and a large flock is present in winter days at the Airport.


Adult Starling in Summer Plumage, Simar Nature Resrve Starlings in Winter Plumage, Simar Nature Resrve
A small fraction of large flock of starlings, Comino A flock of Starlings bathing in a puddle, Marsa

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