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Spotted Redshank

Scientific Name: Tringa erythropus
Maltese Name: Cuvett
Family: Waders (Scolopacidae)
Occurence: Scarce
Breeds in Malta: No

The Spotted Redshank is one of the most dynamic waders. In winter, it has overall grey -white plumage with a fine, long, red-based, black bill. It has distinctive and vivid red legs. It also has a white stripe over eye. In summer adults have black plumage with pale spots on its back with dark legs. In Malta, the Spotted Redshank is rarely seen in its full summer plumage. It feeds by dashing in the water, dashing after prey and not probing like other similar species. It takes fish fry, molluscs and worms amongst other aquatic creatures. It has a loud sharp tcheeww-it call! It nests on open ground where it lays 4 eggs. The Spotted Redshank breeds in forest bogs and on open tundra in far northern countries. In winter migrates to a number of countries in Europe and around the Mediterranean, and some fly down to Africa.

Scarce migrant, mainly seen in singles or in very small flocks not amounting to more than 5 birds.

When to See:
Best time is in spring from March until May. Again a few are recorded in the summer months dragging on until November.

Where to See:
Most birds are recorded at Ghadira Nature Reserve and also at Simar. Ghadira is the best site as it supports the best habitat for this species.


Spotted Redshank, Ghadira Nature Reserve

Spotted Redshank (summer plumage), Salina Spotted Redshank, Ghadira Nature Reserve

Spotted Redshank, Ghadira Nature Reserve

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