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Scientific Name: Erithacus rubecula
Maltese Name: Pitiross
Family: Chats and Thrushes (Turdidae)
Occurence: Very Common
Breeds in Malta: No

The Robin usually associated with Christmas time is a sign that Autumn migration is coming to an end. They have a distinctive orange red breast, small dark bill, olive brown uppersides and undersides and brown legs. Juveniles have dark plumage with red spots and brown fade body. The Robin arrives in large numbers in October and November. Many of these winter in Malta and therefore set up and defend their territory and keep other Robins out of it. It feeds from the ground searching for spiders, insects, worms, berries and seeds. Often comes to bird tables. It has a beautiful song and an tik-ik-ik-ik-ik alert call. Its population is secure and a Robin normally lives 3-5 years. Many Robins winter in the Mediterranean.

Very Common late autumn migrant and wintering species.

When to See:
Autumn migrants arrive in October-November and stay with us until March-April. A few also stay in summer in wooded areas with water present but never breed.

Where to See:
May be seen in any place with the presence of vegitation. One of the few birds that visit our bird tables.


Robin, Ghadira Nature Reserve

Robin Robins often puff-up their feathers when they feel threatened
Robins are very curious birds and are not at all shy Robins often hop on the ground in search of food

Robin, Ghadira Nature Reserve

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