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Scientific Name: Tringa nebularia
Maltese Name: Cewcewwa
Family: Waders (Scolopacidae)
Occurence: Regular
Breeds in Malta: No

The Greenshank is a graceful and elegant wader, despite the lack of conspicuous colours. It is bigger than its closer species, the Redshank. It has a pale head with a slightly upturned bill and clear white under parts while its back is grayish. It has long, grey-green legs as it name implies. It has a loud tew-tew-tew call. The Greenshank, like the Redshank and other waders it probes and picks from the shoreline and water edge taking earthworms, crustaceans and molluscs and other aquatic creatures. It builds its nest by making a scrape on the ground, often near logs, stones or grass, where it lays 4 eggs. In Europe it breeds in northern and north-eastern counties and migrates to Africa for the winter.

Regular migrant appearing both in autumn and spring in low numbers.

When to See:
Spring; mainly April and May, return autumn migration as early as July being recorded until September.

Where to See:
Best site is by far Ghadira Nature Reserve. Otherwise may be seen at Salina or in coastal areas. Occasionally is seen flying in small flocks possibly inland.


Greenshank, Ghadira Nature Reserve

Greenshank, Ghadira Nature Reserve Greenshank, Ghadira Nature Reserve

Greenshank, Ghadira Nature Reserve

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