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Cory's (Scopoli's) Shearwater

Scientific Name: Calonectris diomedea
Maltese Name: Ciefa
Family: Petrels and Shearwaters (Procellariidae)
Occurence: Common Migant, Common Breeding, Summer Visitor
Breeds in Malta: Yes
Breeding Frequency: Frequent

A large, brown, lazy-looking shearwater which usually flies in large groups. Its underparts are white with a dark trailing edge. Its bill is yellowish and is visible at long range. They feed on fish, squid and other marine creatures while shearing out at sea. Large flocks of Cory's Shearwaters are commonly seen scavenging behind trawlers along other sea birds. The Cory's Shearwater has a very particular call, similar to a crying baby (with the female having a very hoarse voice), which they give off at night at their breeding colonies. The Cory's Shearwater breeds in colonies on rocky islands and cliffs, using cavities or burrows. They visit the colony only at night. The single egg hatches after 53 days.

Status and Distribution:
Commonly seen in large numbers feeding out at sea. Frequent Breeder. Breeds on the Island of Filfla and in various cliffs on the western coasts of Malta and Gozo. The largest colony is at Ta' Cenc cliffs, with at least 500 pairs. Few pairs also breed on the island of Comino and Fungus Rock (Dwejra, Gozo)

When to See:
March till November (Some individuals in February and December)

Where to See:
Seen mostly out at sea in large feeding flocks. They join in large rafts near their colonies at sunset during breeding season.


Cory's Shearwater, off Gozo

Adult Cory's Shearwater Incubating, Filfla Island Cory's Shearwater Chick, Filfla Island

Cory's Shearwater, off Gozo

Cory's Shearwater, off Gozo

A feeding flock of Cory's Shearwaters, off Gozo

Listen to Cory's Sheatwater:

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